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Secret Management

Airbyte's default behavior is to store encrypted connector secrets on your cluster as Kubernetes secrets. You may optionally opt to instead store connector secrets in an external secret manager such as AWS Secrets Manager, Google Secrets Manager or Hashicorp Vault. Upon creating a new connector, secrets (e.g. OAuth tokens, database passwords) will be written to, then read from the configured secrets manager.

Configuring external connector secret management

Modifing the configuration of connector secret storage will cause all existing connectors to fail. You will need to recreate these connectors to ensure they are reading from the appropriate secret store.

If authenticating with credentials, ensure you've already created a Kubernetes secret containing both your AWS Secrets Manager access key ID, and secret access key. By default, secrets are expected in the airbyte-config-secrets Kubernetes secret, under the aws-secret-manager-access-key-id and aws-secret-manager-secret-access-key keys. Steps to configure these are in the above prerequisites.

type: awsSecretManager
region: <aws-region>
authenticationType: credentials ## Use "credentials" or "instanceProfile"
tags: ## Optional - You may add tags to new secrets created by Airbyte.
- key: ## e.g. team
value: ## e.g. deployments
- key: business-unit
value: engineering
kms: ## Optional - ARN for KMS Decryption.

Set authenticationType to instanceProfile if the compute infrastructure running Airbyte has pre-existing permissions (e.g. IAM role) to read and write from AWS Secrets Manager.

To decrypt secrets in the secret manager with AWS KMS, configure the kms field, and ensure your Kubernetes cluster has pre-existing permissions to read and decrypt secrets.